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Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy New Toothpaste Tube

Measuring time by hours, days and weeks seems unreliable and devoid of context or meaning and I have come measure the passing of my life by its consumption of commodities - tubes of toothpaste, bottles of shampoo, containers of milk.

In this blur of days, I seek to find meaning in the everyday and look for life’s lessons by transforming daily activities into metaphors for life, living and learning: the soft light of dawn illuminating the morning sky and offering hope and new vistas for the new day. I can see a bit of myself in the squirrel as it darts in front of imminent danger, pauses momentarily to choose rushing forward or desperately retreating (occasionally getting crushed in the process)

The weeks whip around. Monday becomes Wednesday which transforms into Friday and it is the weekend again.

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